KNEA Reading Circle
About KNEA Reading Circle
KNEA members serve on the Kansas NEA Reading Circle to read and screen the best children’s literature published each year. Since 1926 KNEA has published a list of recommended books by reading level as a service for school librarians and classroom teachers. For printed versions of the recommended titles, contact KNEA Reading Circle at readingcircle@knea.org
The Kansas NEA Reading Circle offers its “RECOMMENDED” gold foil seal for purchase by library-media specialists and educators who wish to affix them to books that been read, reviewed, and recommended by the Kansas NEA Reading Circle Commission. Learn more about purchasing the seal, contact readingcircle@knea.org.

Ready to read?
To use the KNEA Reading Circle click the button on to LAUNCH the database. Click the instructions below for more information.
1. Each book is represented by a unique CARD and the cards are STACKED according to reading level (Primary, Intermediate, Junior, Senior). CLICK on a stack to view all of the titles within the stack and SCROLL to the right to view all available stacks.
2. STACKS are automatically sorted FIRST by the YEAR the book was recommended and SECOND by the LAST NAME of the author.
3. Scroll through the stack and click to expand the card of a book you select. Expanded cards will display all available information.
4. You can SEARCH by any single term- ie. author name, grade level, title- using the magnifying glass at the upper-right corner of the database.
5. You can FILTER and SORT multiple records using the tools in the upper-left corner of the database.
6. You can DOWNLOAD the entire archive of recommended titles as a CSV file using the download button in the lower right corner of the database window.