KNEA Retired

Utilize Your Expertise for the Benefit of Education.

NEA-Retired and KNEA-Retired utilize the energies and enthusiasm of retired members for the benefit of public education and the education profession. The associations’ years of experience in political action, collective bargaining, communications, public relations, and professional development make retired members highly effective allies for active members.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • NEA-R membership is open to any person who is at least 45 years of age, eligible to receive a pension from a retirement system and who was employed for at least five years in a position that qualified him or her for Active membership but is no longer employed. (*Retired membership is the category of membership that those persons who are disabled should use.)

    KNEA-R membership is open to any KNEA member who has retired and is eligible to receive benefits under a school employee retirement system and

    A. has held Active or Educational Support membership in KNEA or in another state affiliate for at least one year immediately prior to retirement; or

    B. was an Active or Educational Support member for at least five years before leaving public education employment.

  • Contact your UniServ office to make them aware you would like to join KNEA-Retired. For your UniServ office’s contact information, CLICK HERE then scroll down to UNISERV FIELD STAFF & MAP and click on the + to the right; then scroll down to see your UniServ office’s contact information. Members must join the KNEA-Retired program at the state level and at the national level. CLICK HERE for an informational brochure. CLICK HERE to download a membership application.

  • There are two types of NEA-Retired memberships: Retired-Annual and Retired-Lifetime. KNEA-R also has annual and lifetime dues.

    NEA-R Annual Dues – $35.00

    NEA-R Lifetime Dues – $300.00

    KNEA-R Annual Dues – $20.00

    KNEA-R Lifetime Dues – $150.00

    Please note that active Life members do not automatically become members of KNEA-R. Only those individuals who were KNEA members the year immediately prior to their retirement are eligible for membership in KNEA-R.

  • Many retired members have decided to return to teaching as substitutes. NEA-R and KNEA-R members, who return to educational employment on a daily basis are covered by the same liability insurance as they were when they were active members. This coverage is in effect ONLY if the retired person substitutes on a day-to-day basis. If the education employment is on a part-time or full-time basis, he/she must become an active member. In addition, KNEA-Retired members are eligible to take advantage of a wide variety of special programs and discounts through our NEA Member Benefits Program.

Helpful Links

KNEA-R Executive Committee (2023-24)

Bob Thesman

Judy Johnson

KNEA Board Member

Sherry Turnbull

Vice President

Timothy Graham

KNEA-R Staff Liaison

Robert Hubbard


Robin Bonsall

KNEA-R Administrative Assistant

KNEA Retired Local Chapter Contacts

Sunflower West (KC)

Elaine Engle

Heartland (Wichita)

Scott Pittman

Prairie Grass (Hutchison)

Debi Ellis

C.A.R.E. (Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Osage counties):

Jenny Prichard

Sunflower East (KC)

Jane Mallonee

Santa Fe Trail (Great Bend)

Susan Young

Flint Hills (Junction City/Manhattan)

Bob Thesman

NW Prairie Winds (Hays)

Mona Coupal

SE Pioneers (Pittsburg)

Sherry Turnbull