KNEA Leadership
Get involved
Kansas NEA is a professional association governed by its members. At each level - building, local, UniServ, state and national - members just like you step up to serve in various leadership roles. The main qualification you must have for any of these positions is the desire to serve your profession.
These roles enable our members to have representation and ensure that we - the members of KNEA - are charting the course of our organization. When you serve in any capacity, you receive all the necessary training and support and you become involved with a broad network of your peers who are also dedicated to the profession. We invite you to explore the following ways that you can get involved and serve as…
A Leader In Your Local
Local officers are elected by members. It is the local that is the primary point of service and connection to the member. Each local establishes its own governance/leadership structure via its Constitution and Bylaws in compliance with the “standards for affiliation.”
An Officer In Your Uniserv District
These representatives are elected by locals to oversee the delivery of KNEA programs by the UniServ (or region) to locals and members. The UniServ President serves as a joint supervisor of the KNEA professional staff person (UniServ Director) assigned to that unit along with the KNEA Associate Executive Director in charge of the UniServ program.
A KNEA Representative Assembly Delegate
Delegates from locals all over Kansas attend this annual policy-making meeting. The KNEA Representative Assembly (KNEA RA) approves KNEA Resolutions and to the KNEA Constitution and Bylaws, makes recommendations to the KNEA Board of Directors, and makes recommendations regarding the KNEA budget and dues amount. Each local association is guaranteed at least one representative/delegate.
A KNEA Board Member
The Board is responsible for transacting the business of the Association, implementing policy and program directives of the State RA, proposes and adopts the budget, hires the Executive Director, negotiates salaries with staff, develops policies, proposes and approves changes to bylaws, and proposes changes to the Constitution for State RA approval.
A KNEA Executive Officer
The President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer are elected by all KNEA members for a 3-year term (and may serve up to two consecutive terms in a given office). The executive officers, along with an elected member-at-large from the Board of Directors and the Senior Director from Kansas on the NEA Board constitute the KNEA Executive Committee.
An NEA Board Member
The NEA Board serves as the policy-making body when the NEA RA is not in session. Representatives (based on a membership formula) are elected from each state (Kansas has two) plus additional at-large representatives from ESP, Higher Education, Administrators who serve 3-year terms (two-term limit).
An NEA Representative Assembly Delegate
Delegates are elected by members in locals, clusters of locals, and state-wide from all states. This policy-making body meets for approximately one week each summer to adopt the NEA Budget, approve resolutions, approve changes to Constitution and Bylaws, and to act on business items regarding programs and policies of the NEA.
An NEA Executive Committee Member
Executive Committee members are elected by the NEA-RA to serve 3-year terms (two-term limit). There are six at-large positions on the Executive Committee and these individuals have “teaching partners” in their schools so they can be free to serve virtually full-time as needed anywhere across the country on behalf of members and the Association.
An NEA Officer
The President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer are also elected by the NEA RA for 3-year terms (two-term limit). These persons function as the spokespersons for NEA and work with the NEA Executive Director to implement NEA programs and policies.